Thursday, August 19, 2010

Truths To Live By - What I have Learned and Understand Recently

For over a month now... I have been working on a raising of Vibrations and Energy and the Laws of the Universe in understanding more. It gave me a Leap in the direction of understanding more within every cell of my being of how We are ALL ONE and How We Need to Focus on All the Positive and Not Negative!

There are many books etc. about all of this.... But I am also giving you what I have learned in My Truths and What the Truths of the Universe are - over the Last month.

There are people who are awake and aware - though smaller in size than those who are asleep, the awake and aware provide more energy into what is going on in the world.

If you take that understanding, then you take that step to understanding, What we FOCUS on then materializes, for us in this world we are currently playing our part in.

It has been an interesting journey for me, many things that I have been stuck on have started shaking loose.

One, is a forgiving of myself and Forgiving of others for ALL perceived past occurrences of which we have either done or have had done to us.

Forgiving is an Important Start for all concerned!

Funny, I have for years gotten upset with myself for things I did when I was a child or 30 years ago or 40 years ago... etc. I remember all those things I have done to others and would get really upset and embarrassed over them. I would often groan and make noises when remembering what I have done or said. My daughter would ask "why did you just do that"? I would just say... "making a noise for the fun of it". Doing this has inhibited my growth, because I was constantly upset with myself over it.

I have also remembered things others did. But now, by Forgiving others First and Feeling that Forgiveness with my being - I am now easily able to Forgive myself. It is amazing the release and Peace that comes with the forgiveness for all, including self.

I have been working on intently meditating and Feeling the Oneness of us All and the Oneness with the Universe/Earth and ALL That IS!

One of the other things.... in knowing that our Focus/Energy and Vibrations are part of what ends up manifesting on this Earth, I have decided that I will NOT Focus on any of the Israeli Mistake information, along with those other Negative thoughts/predictions. I won't be separated from reality, BUT I WILL Focus on Love, Peace and Harmony regarding the situations.

I can tell you, an inner Peace is coming over me.... that I have never had Before - Understanding the Most Simple and Basic TRUTHS of the Universe and WHO We ARE does amazing things.

I have read for many years about Universal Truths, though as I might have tried to incorporate them.... I never fully did. Then "something happened" last month.... that propelled me into more of an understanding. Though what happened, was simply a wrong perception on my end.... it was still a catalyst to an Understanding that I now am Fully embracing as never before and Understand all those things I have read before much better.

When you think about previous predictions throughout time.... It always said.... BUT People can CHANGE the outcome, of these Predictions.

I DO Understand that Now - We CAN CHANGE The Outcome of ALL Predictions! It is Through our intentions and Energy our world is Shaped!

Notice how TPTB keep us in Fear.... Always another Threat/War etc. They are doing this with the intentions of keeping our vibrations in Fear and Turmoil, they do not want us to Know the Truth of the Universe. They ARE Afraid of us! We DO have the Power to Change our World!

For the last month, I have been intensely working on trying to raise my vibrations and energy and fully realize - We ARE ALL ONE with ALL there is and Everyone! What happens to those in Pakistan, China, Haiti, etc. happens to us all in energy and vibration.

When we ask for ALL to be healed - then we are Healed ourselves.

We ask for prosperity for others... we too receive prosperity.

We ask for Happiness for others... we too receive Happiness

We ask for Love for others..... We too receive Love

We ask for Joy for others.... We too receive Joy

We ask for Peace and Contentment for Others.... We too receive Peace and Contentment!

Ask For Others.... Receive for yourself!

This is Real.... this is our Universe... We are ALL ONE!

Truths Are - What Happens to YOU - Happens to ME - We Change our Vibrations and Energy - We Change the World!


OH - What is Really Cool...... Do the Chant and Meditation in Water (OOOHHHHMMMM, AAUUUMMMM)---- with your ears underwater.... the Sound is Amazing! It is amplified 100 times over and the vibration is Awesome! If you don't have a pool, do it in your tub! I am blessed that I have a pool and I have spent many hours in it now... floating - chanting - meditating. I can't fully explain how it feels that my cells seem to be changing!

Yeah.... another "out there" post from Me.... But these are Truths as I have learned them over the Past Month! I am thankful a certain perception happened... though wrong.... because these truths have now been fully Realized by me... due to that situation! I will constantly Try and Live by Those Truths and Understandings I have come to.

 I just wanted to post my experience and understandings of the last month, from my own point of view!


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