Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Your Energy and Thoughts Create your Future!

I found this site and wanted to share the information.  I have been working on my Energy and I know that we create what happens in our lives.  I have been frustrated many times and want to "give up" on staying in the Positive Thought and Energy and trying to create only the best of all.  I will work on keeping my Energy in creating only "Love, Happiness, Peace, Prosperity, Perfect Health, etc" in my life.  But when I am not seeing immediate results, even working on it for weeks and weeks and expecting the turn around of what is going on in my life now... the negative starts creeping in again.  I have thought "It is not working" and I get upset.

It is actually very hard to keep in the positive of expectations in our lives, due to so many negatives happening.  I know the negatives are placed there on purpose.  I believe those who try and control understand the way of the Universe and how where we place our thoughts and Energy, so it is.

I believe, if we all changed our focus and energy into the positive and believe in ourselves and that our Energy does make a difference in our lives and world.

It is so much easier to talk it than to walk it.  It is something I have to seriously have the Intent of focus to stay in creating the Positive.

There are some things I have realized over the past few weeks.

One which I believe is very important is how we attract things in our lives.

I had watched "The Secret" many times over.... it says "Affirmations of I attract money, love, etc into my life."

Yet I did not find it worked for me in the way they have it on the video and in the book.

Many years ago I read "The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity"  by Kathline Ponder.  It changed my life and I began giving it away as presents to many others and it changed their lives too.  It is a book based on attracting the best in our lives but not just through affirmations but through Spiritual principles of attraction.  I have read the book many times over.

I think with all that has gone on the past few years, the media has made it "Okay" for people to not have money, to lose their jobs, to lose their houses, since so many others have, it is "okay for it to happen to you" type information.

I am here to say "It is NOT Okay" for any of the negative to happen to us, no matter how much you hear about it happening everywhere!  We create our situations through our thoughts.

Something that came to me a few weeks ago was.... instead of affirmations of "I attract, money, love, etc" into my life.... I turned it around.

I realized for full attraction "Money is Attracted to ME!"  "Love is Attracted to Me" "Happiness is Attracted to Me!" "Perfect Health is Attracted to Me!" "Friendships are attracted to Me!" the list goes on and on.  In saying and thinking that way, I "Open myself up with appreciation and gratitude to Money, Love, Friendships, Happiness, Perfect Health and I welcome them ALL with Love and Honor!"

So I have changed my thoughts in understanding, I don't just attract what I deserve (never say Want... as you will always Want - but say Deserve... because you DO Deserve), but those things are Attracted to ME!  I accept all of them with Love and Gratitude!

Change our Energy and Thoughts - Change our Lives, Change our World!

Today I was doing some searches on this topic and I found this website and would like to share it.  It says what is, much better than I can.

Some things are important to share with others.  Some reading this may think I am silly, that is okay.  We all need to keep stepping out of our "comfort zone" and try and help others, even if it is sharing our most private thoughts on What Is!  Be it right or wrong to others, It is for me.

[Chapter Three from the book "The Key to Real Happiness"]
By Stephen Knapp

One thing I want to do right now before we go any farther is to explain some information that many people can use. This will show how your thinking creates your consciousness and how to help control it. It provides evidence so that you can see how your life unfolds according to what you draw to it, as dictated by your consciousness and thoughts. By taking the responsibility for yourself and your thinking process, you can make your life more positive and uplifting, and reduce or negate the influence of any hurt or negative energies you encounter. This information can help you take control of your life and be more spiritual.

I've said earlier in this book that happiness can be, essentially, a state of mind, or a particular outlook on life. But often times we can observe how our mind is affected by what goes on around us, sometimes by things which do not matter that much. Nonetheless, we get sucked into thinking that it matters a lot. Thus, our thoughts and consciousness become absorbed in negativity, which can greatly affect our disposition, or the way we relate to people, and pave the way for a less than happy future. So what do we do about this?

In the course of our lives we may be bombarded with negative thoughts, energies or scenarios that may come not only from within us but also from outside ourselves or from others. All around us is a network of people, businesses, governments, publications, movies and music, all telling us what has been going on, or what they think is best for us, what we should buy and do, or what we should think about something. As soon as we tune into the radio, television, or open a magazine, it all jumps out at us. Our minds can be receptacles of these thoughts and desires, or even criticisms, which then become a part of our own consciousness if we are not careful. These thoughts are like electrical currents which, although unseen, can be felt and produce internal effects. 

As we become objects of such energies, these thoughts and vibrations that we are exposed to can affect the quality of our lives, goals, and the way we think about ourselves. Therefore, to ensure our own success and happiness in life, we must learn how to protect ourselves from these outside influences of negative or materialistic thoughts or actions that may come from or are caused by others. To avoid being overly influenced by the media, we need to make sure we have the time to raise our own consciousness enough to discriminate between what is truly needed for our own happiness, and what is merely the affects of external persuasions that are being dumped on us by outside forces that simply want our money, our vote, or to convince us to act in a certain way, or even to be a silent peon that simply cooperates with the mass consciousness and is not noticed by anyone. It is not easy to avoid the system that continually indoctrinates people, even if on the subtle level, to act in certain ways or spend their money on particular items. Once you are locked into this network, which produces the materialistic mindset, it is most difficult to become self-sufficiently happy. The system makes you think that your happiness has to be according to the dictates and standards set by others, whether it is your teachers, parents, fellow employees, company supervisors, politicians, or what you see on television and in magazines. You will have to be able to rise above this influence to take a good look at who you are, otherwise life could carry you along without you ever knowing your true potential and spiritual possibilities. Don't be afraid to step outside the mainstream, even if you maintain a low profile in society. Some of the most powerful people on the planet, and the most happy, are those that the world never knows. Their spiritual discipline keeps them from being observed except by a very few.

On a personal level, the more prominent you become in society, the more people will focus their thoughts and energies on you. Some people may simply be envious of you. Or if you are something like a politician, people may blame you for their problems. However, everyday misunderstandings will always develop between people. So, to help protect ourselves from verbal or psychic attacks from others, practice raising the consciousness of those who try to attack you. First, remember there is no attack unless you accept it. See these attacks as calls for help, and review what you will do or say the next time in order to help your would-be attackers. This will protect you and help them as well. 

Throughout the day, notice how every word you hear and every action you witness is either an expression of love or a cry for love. This love is the essence of happiness. And in all actions that people may perform, to find the means by which they can love and be loved is their primary purpose, whether they realize it or not. Besides food, shelter and clothing, it is the greatest need of all living beings. It is the essential nature of the soul, and the basis of everyone's outer actions and desires. So remember to respond to the calls for love with love. Practice being a loving presence for everyone, and observe any changes that occur in yourself and those around you.

Also, practice carrying your own atmosphere with you. In other words, keep that loving presence with you. For example, meditate on being in a sacred place and the feeling or consciousness you have while there. Now be absorbed in and project that atmosphere out around you wherever you are, and to others nearby. As such, you can be your own temple. In this way, when around people of negative energy, you can concentrate on sharing your own positive energy rather than absorbing theirs. In this way, you also create a protective barrier around yourself while maintaining a kind and friendly attitude. The primary objective in such a situation is to give them more of your energy, your understanding, and your essence rather than accepting theirs. You can even imagine light emanating from within you and encompassing them, clearing and cleansing all undesirable energy from the environment.

Practice being unaffected by the envy of others, whether it is directed at you or anyone else. You will gradually learn to be concerned about their welfare but undisturbed by their behavior. Bless those who wish you misfortune, or who are simply lost in their anger and bitterness toward the world in general. This blessing reduces their ability to harm you, because your positive energy counteracts their negative energy. Remember to apply the science of love in all circumstances. If, however, you react to their negative energy with your own negative thoughts, you simply increase the negativity and unbalanced disposition of your own consciousness, and in the surrounding atmosphere. This makes you even more vulnerable to increased receptivity of low energy thoughts and verbal or psychic attacks. It also increases your susceptibility to reversals in life and the manifestations of your own worries and fears. In other words, negative energy builds upon more negative energy, with which you thus surround yourself.

The highest protection we can provide for ourselves is a solid sense of love and compassion for ourselves and others. We need to think and act in dynamic and positive ways and hold a love for ourselves in order to feel a sense of completeness and happiness in who we are. Without enough love from within, you will lack the necessary armor to protect yourself from the relentless attacks of negative energy. Strong inner love will allow you to deflect such harmful energy, or to even transmute it so that it has no destructive effects. Therefore, always remember to put up a shield of love for your protection, keeping in mind that in order to love others, you need to love yourself first. The more you understand your true spiritual identity, and your connection with the Supreme, the easier it will be to love your Self. 

This love is a way of balancing our consciousness and karma, the reactions of past actions. When our consciousness is out of balance, it means we must continue to learn how to get it balanced again. Holding emotions like anger, envy, the urge to get back at someone, etc., all are signs of an unbalanced mind and consciousness. Justice and balance in one's karma is the equalization of all energies, including our thoughts, words, and deeds. All of these together create impressions in the mind which then helps form our consciousness and produce our emotional predispositions, character traits, memories, and even unexplainable fears. Any imbalances in our consciousness, along with our karma, create many instances and lessons that we are forced to endure in order for us to gain the necessary insights to once again stabilize our consciousness. So what lies ahead for us, and especially what we think of at the time of death, is determined by such factors as our attractions, repulsions, how we behave in this life, and how we handle the way others treat us. This also may be influenced by our previous karma, or how we have handled previous tests and situations in the past. This all effects our state of consciousness at the time of death, which guides our soul in a particular direction into the next life.

To help control this aggregate impression in the mind in order to balance our consciousness for inner peace, we need to bring in higher and positive thoughts. This is called controlling the lower self by the higher Self. We can purposely change our thinking from negative to positive. For example, instead of thinking about how someone did something mean or hateful, we can conclude such thinking and begin focusing on the good things in our lives and be more loving.

The reason why this is important is that thoughts are things, energies that can vibrate on different levels, both high or low. It is a person's free will that determines how such energy will be used and at what vibratory level it will operate. The intent of one's thought is what determines this vibratory level, and the ultimate outcome of one's actions, which then helps create our future. If our, or anyone's, thoughts are based on goodwill or loving intentions, those thoughts carry a high vibration. If such thoughts have a low or selfish intent, they will carry and spread that low energy. Keeping our intentions in a spiritual direction will always help maintain a high vibratory level of our consciousness, and help protect us from those who have an ulterior motive, even if it is the vibration of the images and words that come over the radio, television, magazines, newspapers, etc. 

For example, if we worry about something all the time, it is a way of focusing on a particular thing or idea that will manifest in that way. Thus, worry is a prayer for something one does not want. To avoid undesirable outcomes, we must learn to control our thoughts, especially when we are under emotional stress. Stress and emotion are forms of thought energy which fuel the creation of the image being held in our minds. Instead of worrying, we can replace such negative energy and thought-forms with a visual image of the desired outcome. In this way, we can help that positive image manifest rather than the unwanted one by feeding emotional energy into the thought form you fear. As we get into the habit of energizing only the positive, our thoughts, words and deeds will automatically reflect the higher state of mind. They will, in effect, stop creating new negative karma because they will no longer generate energy that has to be rebalanced, and their positive energy will begin paying off some of the debits in our past bad karma, which itself can manifest as unbalanced or negative thoughts.

Even if you cannot control your thinking, as when you might be in emotional duress, then begin acting in positive ways, such as focusing on the care and concern for others who may be in a more problematic situation than yourself. Or even begin praying for the benefit of those less fortunate. Your thoughts and consciousness will immediately begin to change into that which is positive and uplifting. 

The decision to think and function in a positive mode is the first step in transmuting energy to a higher level, which means raising its vibratory rate. Energy transmuted in this way attracts even more positive energy, producing a snowball effect which assists in furthering the creation of a new, happier and more desirable future. Controlling your thought energies in this way can make a difference between success and failure, not only with yourself, but those with whom you associate or work. If you want to help yourself as well as your work partners, or even your enemies, you must practice this form of controlling your thoughts. Otherwise, if you are continually being negative or harboring low levels of thinking, it may be better for those around you to work separately if they wish to be successful, or at least happy. The reason is that you are not contributing to their success or desired future, and neither to your own. This is why transmuting your thoughts to higher and more positive levels of consciousness can determine the difference between success or failure, not only in business, but also in health, happiness, peace of mind, and in reaching your dreams. 

One of the ways negative energy can harm you is when you harbor it for long periods of time and it accumulates and becomes lodged in your body. These energies are dense and vibrate at a level too low for the body to process and release. As a result, they become blocked and crystallized, manifesting at best as diminished stamina, loss of energy, or decreased mobility. Thus, stagnant, unreleased negative energy can eventually have a harmful effect and produce dis-ease. However, such energies can be released from the body and our consciousness through methods such as forgiveness, prayer, meditation, or through conscious transmutation, as described above. 

Modern medicine is slowly accepting the reality of "mind over matter," recognizing the power of the mind to influence the functioning of the human body. Therefore, it is in everybody's best interest to learn to release low energy by first moving it out of the physical body, then the conscious and subconscious mind, and the etheric body and aura. People can accomplish this by a conscious release of old grudges and resentments, or by deliberately shattering it into smaller bits and pieces in order to make the release more effortless. 

In addition, strive to "love your enemies," as Jesus admonishes. Pray for them because such prayers decrease their power to hurt you, and the high energy released in the process will be returned to you in kind. Remember, everyone acts, positively or negatively, to express love or call for love. 

Monitor your thoughts carefully. As you think of someone lovingly, angrily or lustfully, note how that person becomes unconsciously affected by your thoughts. Remember, thoughts are things. They are composed of the same electrical, spirit-based energy that pervades the rest of the universe. Thoughts have substance and power, and the more emotional energy people give them, the faster they will become a reality. The spoken word has the same force and creative energy. Therefore, those who learn to control their thoughts and words will control their future. Since humans are constantly creating, the only issue is whether they are being conscious creators or unconscious ones. 

Think of plans that can assist the whole of humanity. Raise your level of consciousness. To understand that you are a co-creator is to be in harmony with the universe, acting as a servant of and co-worker with the Divine. If you fail to appreciate this reality, you can become destructive and are responsible for causing even more chaos in society or disharmony in your life. You can easily look around and recognize many others who have this same problem and create the described effects. So don't be one of them. The choice is yours, and so are the consequences. You manifest what you hold in your consciousness. 

Remember, thought is energy that can create your future. Begin thinking of how bright your future will be and begin creating the bright future for yourself that you have a right to. Then just do it!! Stick to your plan to make it a reality, and don't give up. Don't doubt yourself, and don't become confused. Always go forward toward your goal. And only work with and depend on those who will help you reach your goals. You will succeed!!! 

(This article is from: http://www.stephen-knapp.com)

As we think, so are we!  If putting this information out there, helps one person than it is worth it!  We are here to learn, to grow and to create the best of all things.  Do not let others control your destiny and future anymore.  Stop listening to ads and the media, that you have to be this way or that way otherwise you are not as good as another.   The whole matrix of which we live is set up to keep us in it's web of negative and to keep us from growing and becoming who we really are, in my opinion.

Begin with yourself.  When you think of memories of something you did in the past that are not pleasant, Forgive yourself!  Forgive all others for what they have done to you.  Love starts with Forgiveness of Self and all others!  To Love oneself.... Forgive oneself!

We are all on this journey together as we are all living on this Earth together.  We have the choice to help ourselves and one another realize our full potential of Who We Are!

As I said.... It is easier to talk than walk.... But if the intent stays on the Walk..... then it comes and it IS!

Monday, August 22, 2011

ALL Human experience is Self Made - We ARE the creators of our Lives!

Humans are focusing on the negative - that needs to change and people need to go within. We create all things happening.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Awesome Healing Video 22 Minutes - Worth your time - I highly recommend it!

I just did this and I do feel clearer. I highly recommend it. It is a healing video in all ways.


An online book I recommend

I highly recommend this book, it is online and free to read.  You may think it is off beat and challenge your thoughts regarding religion.  I found it very insightful and since I have researched ancient history and the origins of man, Earth and religion, I found it to be mostly truth for myself and pretty much the same as what I have read before about our history. 

It is a very spiritual book, it is about lifting us up and what is real and what is not.   After you finish reading it, then watch the video inserted below.  It is Ann Eller, who worked in the Clinton administration and has had many experiences with ETs and it is about information given to her from them and at the 1 hour mark she starts giving information about Planet X/Nibiru.

of Michel Desmarquet

This may seem as a fairytale - but read it all, and you will recognize a lot of wisdom. If this is all a fabricated story - it is though filled with ancient and spiritual knowledge and wisom of a remarkable kind. And their claim to be hermaphrodites (and much more here) fits with the spiritual science of Martinus - from his very deep wisdombooks from almost a century back.

The Ann Eller video, talk about ETs and Planet X/Nibiru.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Video - Asking for a Miracle in Japan - My Miracle Story that happened to me! I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES!

I did a video asking for people to focus and ask for a Miracle for the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in Japan.

I also tell my miracle story that happened to me in 1996 in Atlanta.

I had such an amazing miracle and should not be alive today.  What I did not express in the video is the fact I walked out of the hospital when they finished all the test.  I also did not express the fact I felt the angels hands protecting me as I was hit by the car.  That is the only explanation of why I could possibly be alive today but also in my not having a brain injury or anything that day.


I am asking everyone to come together in LOVE for each other the Earth and the Japanese people!  I BELIEVE through our focus of LOVE and prayer we can make a difference and a miracle can happen at the nuclear power plant!

We need to do this now!  I am asking everyone no matter what religion or what you believe or don't believe to still sit quietly and send Love and Light to Japan and imagine a miracle happening in stopping the nuclear power plant from melting down, exploding or releasing any more radioactivity!

We can do this but we need to do it together.  We need to stop letting others control our emotions and focus of our thoughts in division, hate, anger or any other negative emotion.  We can change our lives our world through honoring each other, honoring the Earth and through positive thoughts.

Look within yourself, we have come to a point in time on this Earth we are ALL needed!  We are needed to save our Earth through Love and asking for Miracles.  I am asking you  to believe!

I am a private person in many ways, but the time is now for each of us to open up and help try and save our Earth and each other.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011

Japan.... Hopi Message released in Video about Japan.

The Hopi Chief released this video about Japan.

In it - it asks EVERYONE to PRAY! To come together and lessen the affects on the Earth from what is happening in Japan.

The scenes are beautiful.

I will tell you, I have been praying as never before. I have been praying to God the Archangels to all angels to all of LOVE AND LIGHT! I have asked for a miracle regarding the Fukushima plant. I have begged and I will be honest crying very hard over the last few days.

I Ask everyone to pray! Pray for the people of Japan, pray for our Earth, Pray for a miracle!

Even if you are not a praying person PLEASE envision LIGHT and LOVE around Japan and the nuclear power plant.

If there was ever a turning point in history we are at the edge of it.

One week ago our Earth entered into a crisis. We are one people of the Earth what has happened in Japan has happened to us all. I will say, I did know somehow when I awoke on Friday our world took a turning point and did not know exactly what it was until I turned on the news. But I did know - I knew the world would never be the same when I got out of bed.

This is a time for us to come together in Prayer. I am not saying it through a religious stand point I am saying it through a Spiritual point.

Join together in LOVE - Through LOVE miracles happen!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I write about Scary Truth on my Sherrie Questioning All Blog - But My Intent is to Bring Truth to All and Change it through Knowledge and Shining Love and Light Upon the Truth!

I have the blog, Sherrie Questioning All.  That blog is all about what is going on and putting out the Truth of what is really happening!  That truth is mostly scary to people and may instill fear.  My intent is not to have people in Fear but to have people awaken to truth and change it through Love and Light.

I have been understanding more and more LOVE AND LIGHT are the only two things that are real in our lives!

We live in a Matrix right now.  Those who are at the top of the Matrix and who do not want us to know our real power we each have and they need to keep it hidden from us.  They are the ones who need to keep people's energy in fear, worry, anger and hatred.  They are doing this, so we ourselves do not tap into the Energy we each have and that Energy which can actually change all that is happening!! 

I believe in you and I believe in myself!  I believe if we stopped letting others "yank our chains" and stop allowing them to focus our energies on outer events and distractions, we would over power them through our energy together!

We DO have the power to change the world!  It is not through denial of what is happening in the world, but it is taking that knowledge of not good worldly events and directing our energies by shining LOVE AND LIGHT onto the events.

Last night I realized I have been using the words "sending" out LOVE to all in the world and our Earth!  The epiphany of what should be stated is "I RADIATE LOVE AND LIGHT TO THE WORLD AND ALL OTHERS"! 

I am asking others to join me in looking at Truth and not living in denial of what is going on, but do not put fear into that truth - Surround it and Radiate it with LOVE AND LIGHT! 

I changed my mission statement on my Sherrie Questioning All blog today - I woke up in the middle of the night, realizing a change needed to happen immediately for others to see and read what the blog is about.

This is how my Sherrie Questioning All blog heading now reads:

I am a seeker of TRUTH sharing it with others. Sometimes truth frightens people which is not my intent. My intent is for everyone to claim their own power through knowledge! Everyone has untapped Energy within themselves and truth channeled into LOVE for each other and all things can change our world, we do have the Power on our side! We ARE the Power together and able to change it all through LOVE and LIGHT!

Mayan Elders and 2012 - It is a change of Energies, but right now People need to Focus on Love for this to Happen!

What the Mayan Elders are saying about 2012

In it, they say there are forces that are very much working against the energy changes to higher selves. I believe this is very important in understanding of what is happening in our world right now.

In my opinion those who are awake and aware and have an understanding of Energy, understand what is happening and what our energies are able to do and where they are desperately needed right now.  I hope people will have an opened mind to what the Mayan Elders are saying! 

We ARE Energy - we CREATE whatever is in our lives by drawing it to us through our Energy and thoughts!   Use your thoughts and use your Energy in LOVE!  LOVE Everything!

Below is an important message from the Mayan Elders about 2012.

Just small blurbs from the link provided. Please go to the link to read the whole article.

different parts from the above link - of importance - imo

Some observers say this alignment with the heart of the galaxy in 2012 will open a channel for cosmic energy to flow through the Earth, cleansing it and all that dwells upon it, raising all to a higher level of vibration. Carlos reminds us: "This process has already begun. Change is accelerating now and it will continue to accelerate.

If the people of the Earth can get to this 2012 date in good shape without having destroyed too much of the Earth, we will rise to a new, higher level. But to get there we must transform enormously powerful forces that seek to block the way."

The North and South Poles are both breaking up. The level of the water in the oceans is going to rise. But at the same time land in the ocean, especially near Cuba, is also going to rise. Carlos tells a story about the most recent Mayan New Year ceremonies in Guatemala. He said that one respected Mam elder, who lives all year in a solitary mountain cave, journeyed to Chichicastenango to speak with the people at the ceremony. The elder delivered a simple, direct message. He called for human beings to come together in support of life and light.
"Right now each person and group is going his or her own way. The elder of the mountains said there is hope if the people of the light can come together and unite in some way. We live in a world of polarity -- day and night, man and woman, positive and negative. Light and darkness need each other. They are a balance."

"Just now the dark side is very strong, and very clear about what they want. They have their vision and their priorities clearly held, and also their hierarchy. They are working in many ways so that we will be unable to connect with the spiral Fifth World in 2012."

"On the light side everyone thinks they are the most important, that their own understandings, or their group's understandings, are the key. There's a diversity of cultures and opinions, so there is competition, diffusion, and no single focus."

Carlos believes the dark side works to block unity through denial and materialism. It also works to destroy those who are working with the light to get the Earth to a higher level. They like the energy of the old, declining Fourth World, the materialism. They do not want it to change. They do not want unity. They want to stay at this level, and are afraid of the next level.

The dark power of the declining Fourth World cannot be destroyed or overpowered. It's too strong and clear for that, and that is the wrong strategy. The dark can only be transformed when confronted with simplicity and open-heartedness. This is what leads to unity, a key concept for the World of the Fifth Sun.

Carlos said the emerging era of the Fifth Sun will call attention to a much-overlooked element. Whereas the four traditional elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water have dominated various epochs in the past, there will be a fifth element to reckon with in the time of the Fifth Sun --- that element is 'ETHER'.

The dictionary defines Ether as a "hypothetical substance supposed to occupy all space, postulated to account for the propagation of electromagnetic radiation through space." Perhaps it could be defined as the "space between space". I would suggest it could be manifest as the alignment of charged particles from our solar system (Sun), and our galaxy (Milky Way) surge. The Ether element represents spiritual energy.

"The element of the Fifth Sun is celestial. Within the context of Ether there can be a joining of the polarities. No more darkness or light in the people, but an uplifted unity. But right now the realm of darkness is not interested in this. They are organized to block it. They seek to unbalance the Earth and its environment so we will be unready for the alignment in 2012."

"We need to work together for peace, and balance with the other side. We need to take care of the Earth that feeds and shelters us. We need to put our entire mind and heart into pursuing unity and unity now, to confront the other side and preserve life."

We are disturbed -- we can't play anymore. Our planet can be renewed or ravaged. Now is the time to awaken and take action. Everyone is needed. You are not here for no reason. Everyone who is here now has an important purpose. This is a hard but a special time. We have the opportunity for growth, but we must be ready for this moment in history."

"We live in a world of energy.
An important task at this time is to learn to sense or see the energy of everyone and everything --

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Water our thoughts affecting it, shown in video. Positive thoughts and Love have a real affect on water structure.

This is an amazing video showing real affects of our thoughts on water's structure.  The water is shown through a microscope, after various thoughts are directed towards it.

This really makes you think, considering we have 60% fluids/water in our body.  So, positive thoughts about ourselves is important.  Remember dis-ease, is more thought processes having sickly effects on our body, than outside influences.

Here is the video showing positive thought effects on water.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Attraction of What you Deserve/Want in Life - this is the REAL Secret!

I watched and listened to  "The Secret" video over and over again while doing a project on my home.  Years ago I purchased "The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity" and read that many times over.  That book is based on spiritual principles of attracting what you want in your life.  It worked for me for a time, too.

I can tell you "The Secret" did not work for me at all, there was/is something missing in it, also it never felt quite right to me.

I have come across what I believe in my heart and soul is the actual answer to getting what you Deserve/Want in life.  I say "Deserve" and that is what we should always say instead of "Want" in attracting something into our lives.  Using the word ""Deserve, you feel it, using "Want", that is conditioning you to always Want.

I have been reading "The Law of One" and in the 27th chapter, I believe I found the REAL answer to manifesting what  it is we each Deserve!  I believe we can create in our lives everything we Deserve, once we feel it through Love.  Though many say it is "Bad to Love Money", we have believed that.  BUT I don't believe that anymore!  I believe by Loving Money, it will come easy and effortlessly, otherwise by not loving it, we repel it.  Thus when we Love anything, it is then attracted to us!

We feel and visualize it THROUGH LOVE!  Feeling the LOVE of what we DESERVE - feeling the Love for What we would like - be it Money - a partner - Joy - Happiness - etc.....  FEEL it WITH LOVE!  SEE IT WITH LOVE!
Below is from the 27th book/portion of the Law of One!
Ra: I am Ra. Again we reach semantic difficulties. The vibration or density of love or understanding is not a term used in the same sense as the second distortion, Love; the distortion Love being the great activator and primal co-Creator of various creations using intelligent infinity; the vibration love being that density in which those who have learned to do an activity called “loving” without significant distortion, then seek the ways of light or wisdom. Thus in vibratory sense love comes into light in the sense of the activity of unity in its free will. Love uses light and has the power to direct light in its distortions. Thus vibratory complexes recapitulate in reverse the creation in its unity, thus showing the rhythm or flow of the great heartbeat, if you will use this analogy.
Questioner: Then I will expand a bit more on this concept. We have the infinite vibration of Love which can occur, I am assuming, at varying frequencies.

I would assume that it begins at one basic frequency. Does this have any meaning?

Ra: I am Ra. Each Love, as you term the prime movers, comes from one frequency, if you wish to use this term. This frequency is unity. We would perhaps liken it rather to a strength than a frequency, this strength being infinite, the finite qualities being chosen by the particular nature of this primal movement.

Questioner: Then this vibration which is, for lack of better understanding, pure motion; it is pure love; it is nothing that is yet condensed, shall we say, to form any type of density of illusion. This Love then creates by this process of vibration a photon, as we call it, which is the basic particle of light. This photon then, by added vibrations and rotation, further condenses into particles of the densities we experience. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

Questioner: Then this light which forms the densities has what we call color. This color is divided into seven categories. Can you tell me if there is a reason or explanation for these categories of color?

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the last complete question of this session as this instrument is low on vital energy. We will answer briefly and then you may question further in subsequent sessions.

The nature of the vibratory patterns of your universe is dependent upon the configurations placed upon the original material or light by the focus or Love using Its intelligent energy to create a certain pattern of illusions or densities in order to satisfy Its own intelligent estimate of a method of knowing Itself. Thus the colors, as you call them, are as straight, or narrow, or necessary as is possible to express, given the will of Love.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Violet Flame - Decrees and Information

I AM the violet flame

I AM the violet flame
In action in me now
I AM the violet flame
To Light alone I bow
I AM the violet flame
In mighty cosmic power
I AM the light of God
Shining every hour
I AM the violet flame
Blazing like a sun
I AM God's sacred power
Freeing every one

Violet is the highest color of enlightenment, by intentions of wrapping ourselves within the violet color helps us stay in a better frame of mind and place of Love.  

A Process and Post I did on my Main Blog about Anger - Reproducing it here.

I am reproducing a post, I did on my "Questioning All" Blog today.  It is about Anger. 

Anger a Worthless emotion that does not get results nor does anyone good. I was engrossed in it the last few days and I am sorry.

I feel the need to post about anger.  I know anger so well, if you look at my last few days of posting, since the information about the Federal Reserve taking our rights away of holding banks accountable for fraud, you will see I have been full of anger.

I am putting this post here and not in my "Positive Vibs" blog, due to the amount of anger I spewed the last few days.   

I had been in a very dark place the last few days, I had been full of anger at all those who have control over the populace and using the control to depress the people.

I am awakening from the negative emotions of anger. It is a very dark emotion, which does not get us any positive results.  If we dwell on anger and let it rule us, then we lose and those in power win.  Anger and fear is what feeds those who would like to control us.  That is why we are bombarded with negative information from various sources.  Fear and anger is how we are led down a path by others, they need that emotion as the overwhelming feeling of people for that is the way they lead us to where they would like to take us.

Where as the emotion of Love and Positive energy is what those in power do not know how to deal with and they are not able to control us when we live in Loving intent.  I fully believe our power and the way to overcome any suppression is through living with the "Christ Consciousness".  The "Christ Consciousness", in my opinion is understanding we are able to create our world and we are able to influence our world through living in Love.  I do believe, if we had the faith the size of a pea, we could/can move a mountain.  To me, Christ told us "We too can do as he does, we simply need the faith and understanding".  To me, that means living in Loving intent and Knowing we are capable of working miracles is through our right frame of mind.   Anger is not the frame of mind which accomplishes anything, it only takes us down.  

I was lost for a few days, I let outside influences control my emotions, I was so down in the rabbit hole I could not see the light.  But I have also decided to claw my way back up, to the light and to positive emotions and outlook, knowing we are guided by a much higher power and we simply need to embrace the light and love around us and in us and let that be our guide and way forward. 

Though I will post about negative events or happenings, it is not my intent to keep people in the negative, it is my intent to give others an understanding.

I sincerely believe by all of us, working through our energies of anger, hate and any negative emotions and turning those emotions in to Loving intent for our Earth and each other we will prevail and we will arise and break the chains of those who wish to keep us enslaved in their matrix of negative emotions.

We all go through many stages in our lives and hopefully we all learn from those stages, where we keep growing in a better understanding of ourselves and the world in which we live.  When we go forward with the intent of Love for ourselves, the Earth and all others, then no outside force can control us.

We will continually make those choices in how we shall lead our lives and we will have situations where we will need to make a choice in which way we shall be led.  We will have the choice of darkness or light, it will be up to our own free will.  My intent is to live in Love and Light, without the fear and anger ruling me.  Will I be perfect at living in the Love and Light emotions?  No, I have no illusions, I will not feel fear or anger at times.  But, as long as I/we don't wrap ourselves fully in the negative, then we will be taking steps forward.  

I do ask, others join me in working on the intent of Love guiding us.  Love for each other, Love for our Earth and Love for Truth.  Through the positive guidance of Love and letting our higher power lead us, we literally can change our world.  We accomplish many things through Love, we accomplish nothing good through fear and anger.

My intent is to accomplish helping others and our Earth by helping myself through understanding Love is the only way forward, Love is what is real, Love is what makes us feel good, Love is what gives us a bright future.  I have so much to work on in understanding Love for myself and for all others, as it is not easy, but when there is intent on the positive to guide us, we will walk in the Light and Love of our higher power.

I will keep my angry posts up from the last few days, as they show the darkness I was in and the process which has led me to publish this post of choosing Light and Love, instead of letting the anger and hate take me fully down the rabbit hole.  I do believe the energies of the world are changing, we feel them changing and those in power have brought many things to a climax of everything seeming to fall apart at this moment in time, to keep people in fear and anger. 

So, I ask others.... does fear and anger make you feel good?  Do you accomplish anything living with those emotions?  Do those negative emotions get you positive results in your life?  The answer to those questions are... No.  They only take people down.

But, stop and feel Love..... Love for yourself, Love for the Earth, Love for all others..... How does that make you feel?  When you stop and have the intent of Love, no matter what the situation, positive results come through. 

Thank you to all who are reading this and please forgive my overwhelming anger which was so obvious in my postings since Thursday.  I am sorry, I may have taken others down a rabbit hole with me in anger and hate through the posts.  I will work on trying to keep my posts in a positive loving light in giving knowledge of information and not doing it through the emotions of anger.    Even though there will be negative events and situations, when we keep our focus on Light, there will be nothing we can not overcome.

I sincerely believe - You and I are One - We each have the abilities to create and shape our world around us.  I do believe in all of our prosperity together in every way!  I believe in YOU - I believe in ME - I believe together we can and will be unstoppable in creating a better future!